i'm back on track

assalamualaikum :)

it has been a long time since my last update kn? well, i'm not that busy actually but more to lazy girl disease. haha. my spm result was oke but i didn't get the UPU offer. naah, nvm. i attend form 6 at my former school which is Sm Teknik Likas. so far so good. almost all of the lower 6 student is my friend. seeeh, of cos la bah. mom want me to finish my form 6 studies and after that going to law school. like abg didie, i guess. lawyer is not that bad. i really like law cause i watched to many law's drama. so i was thinking, should i further my studies at overseas after i finish my form 6? since the stpm certificate is an A-level certificate, why not kn. oke laa, till here,

my addiction. (part 1)

assalammualaikum :)

hari ne mau cakap pasal aku pnya addiction dengan KPOP. bhahaha! mcm mna aku bleh termelekat sama budaya kpop ne? hahaha. lemme tell you da setori,

once upon a time, aku pegi rumah cousin aku. cuti panjang la bh kn org bilang. time tu aku langsung tdk tau apa-apa psal lagu korea ne. ada kan channel KBS d astro thu. biar pun free, tp aku lngsung nda tgk thu channel smpai lah hari thu. time thu hari jumaat. kalau hari jumaat mesti lah music bank main kan. jadi drg pn tgk lah rncgn thu. tapi aku ndapndg langsung. tp ada satu lagu ne yg tarik perhatian aku. aiseeh, pnya tembirang.

lagu thu ialah, jeng jeng jeng.. lagu Bad Girl by Beast. haha. aku bkn tertarik sma lagu dia, tp org dia. haha. handsome bha semua. kalau mau tgk, ne la muka drg. di bawah ne.

ma boy :)

naaa, drg lah ne. haha. tp, dlm bnyk2 drg ne mesti lah ada yg plg pebret kn. naa, paling aku suka c Yang Yo Seob. paling cute bh dia ne dlu aku tgk. haha. ne naa.

oke, nda brapa jelas. kamu search ja lah. oke, lpas betahun2 aku mnat dia ne, tba2 aku tertarik pula sma member drg lagi satu. sepa? si Son Dong Woon lah. paling cute, paling semboi, paling apa lae? hahah. ne naa.

hihihi. smpai mimpi dia telefon aku dari korea. kalau lah betul kan. hahahah! oke. tp, bukan drg ja yg  aku minat oke. ada lagi group. 2PM! haha. group ne mmg hot semua laki dia. kalau ja aku boleh jumpa drg face-to-face kn. haiis. nda pa. haha. till here.

iqah zulkifli


assalamualaikum :)

beberapa hari ne teda update blog. haha. klau update pn, ndada yg bca. sedih T.T whatever. oke, akhirnya selesai juga dengan UPU pnya hal ne. sdh isi borang and now tgh tnggu result spm lae. bedebar oke menunggu result ne. terfikir juga kalau lulus ka nda nanti ne. yea lah, time exm pn jwb mcm nda confident ja kn. harap2 lah semua credit. dpt jga smbung. 

mari cerita pasal UPU. aku plih bidang kejuruteraan, seni bina sma bahasa. well, bahsa thu bkn aku pnya pilihan sebenarnya tp mam aku pnya plihn. dia ambil thu sebagai back up ja. dia sruh ambil TESL. bleh jga aku ambil, tp english aku sndri pn nda brapa oke. masih terkapai-kapai lagi. sikit-sikit bleh lah. aku andaikan klau ambil TESL ne, mesti jadi cegu. yea lah, nma pn sdh teaching. haih. klau aku ambil thu, mmg lah bdk2 yg aku ajar nanti terbelit-belit lidah b'speaking nanti. haha. 

aku plih program kejuruteraan awam yg biasa pnya sma pembinaan. aku lagi suka pembinaan sebab thu subjek yg aku bleh angkat. kira pro lah bha jga thu kn. psal dia sng sja mau bljar. psal site construction jga ne.  aku ada ambil seni bina jga. psal cita-cita aku mau jadi arkitek lah knun kn. hahah! hrap2 lah menjadi cita-cita aku thu kn. oh yeah, mama aku kasi plih aku asasi alam bina. aku nda tau pn apa bnda thu. ambil seja lah psal aku ada nmpk bnda berkaitan dgn arkitek jga kn.

oke lah, pnjg sdh aku pnya ulasan ne. hahaha! till here.

iqah zulkifli

chase your dream.

assalamualikum :)

tonight i just want to write out about dream. what is the meaning of dream actually? well based on my research,  Dream, nightmare,  and vision  refer to the kinds of mental images that form during sleep. Dream  is the general term for any such succession of images. A nightmare  is a dream that bringsfear or anxiety: frightened by a nightmare. Vision  refers to a series of images of unusual vividness, clarity, order, and significance,sometimes seen in a dream. 

for me, dream is a future plan. i am sure that lots of you experience day dreaming. well, i, myself also experienced the same thing. i always day dreaming, always. no matter where. even when i was eating at the dinning table. i always dream about my future. what would i be in the next 20 year? who will be my husband? how many kids do i have? can i get married even once? that stuff always pop on my mind. i just want evrything to be perfect. tapi, kita hanya mampu merancang. Allah yg menentukan segalanya.

back to the track, last night i have a dream about this boy who claimed to be the closest person to me. well, in my dream, he propose me. like seriously. as far as i remember, i cried really hard. tears just go down the check like a river. i cant recall what had happen next bt one thing for sure. that boy look cute. hikhik. whatever. it just a dream. i started talking crap. ignore. till here.

iqah zulkifli

first thing first :)

assalamualaikum :)

Tersangat lah penat hari ni. weekend ja mesi kemas rumah. my sister and re-organise our room to make it bigger. kami try buat almari sendiri lagi. tapi tau la kan. nda menjadi sebab nda cukup pro lagi. hee. well, didn't have a driving lesson today sebab parents teramat lah busy. biasa lah kan, org dah berkerjaya. masa tak cukup ntuk buat kerja lain. what else ah? oh yeah, my blackberry has been terminated. out of credit la. apa lagi. hmm. mama pn nda mau ksi reload. terpaksa la. oh yeah, tmrw school again. well, not going to school anymore. biasa lh, lepasan spm la konon. haha. till here.

Iqah zulkifli.

memories is the best adventure

Assalamualaikum :)

I'm still on my way to make this blog look exactly how i want it to be. but need times tough. yesterday I'm having a driving lesson from my mom and dad. well, its going smoothly i guess. today, as it already 8 January, I'm going to practice again. when can i get my license? i don't even know.

I'm looking for job actually since i was to bored to stay at home. my friend and i were decided to find a job at KKIA since it is the nearest place we can go. haha. but i want to work at some branded shop since the payment is WOW for me. i need money to shop bha. haha. till here. 

iqah zulkifli

beautiful is nothing


today i was trying to make my blog looks cute. nda tau kalau menjadi kn. haha. I've forgotten all the basic of blog again as its been a year since my last blog. oh well. i didn't expected to have more follower since im not that well-known on the world of blog. only used tumblr before. but there you just have to reblog everything.  no need to think what to write. i don't even know why i make this blog. oh well. till here.

iqah zulkifli